Jasmine Essential Oil | 15ml


SKU: Jasmine EO 15ml Category:


Jasmine Essential Oil | 15ml

Botanical Name: Jasminum Grandiflorum
Plant Part: Flowers
Extraction Method: Solvent
Extraction Consistency: Thick
Note: Middle
Strength of Aroma: Light

Aromatic Scent: Jasmine has a smooth, extremely intense floral smell that is both sweet and lingering.

Emotional/Energetic Qualities:
Jasmine’s magical properties ride the waves of our emotional tides.  It brings understanding to the conscious mind, desires and wishes of the heart to light and brings the angelic realms close.  It is considered one of the angelic fragrances.  The divine energy manifested within it’s aroma can lull us into states of heightened spiritual awareness, gives wings to our prayers and help us connect with our purest intentions and highest aspirations.

DO NOT use this oil on the skin without diluting it.  Carrier oil options include: Coconut, Grapeseed, Hempseed, Jojoba, Sweet Almond, and Sunflower (sold separately).  We do not recommend taking any essential oil internally.