Bergamot Essential Oil
Size: 15ml
Emotional/Energetic Qualities:
* Relaxing, restorative, calming
* Emotionally uplifting
* Supports the release of repressed emotion
* Helps reduce insomnia and anxiety
***DO NOT use this oil on the skin without diluting it*** Carrier oil options include: Coconut, Grapeseed, Hempseed, Jojoba, Sweet Almond, and Sunflower.
Analgesic: Potential to treat cancer pain and related depression and anxiety, has been shown to have neuroprotection in ischemia and pain
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial: Active against food poisoning bacteria and in folk medicine was used to treat infections
Antidepressant: Reduces psychological stress responses and serum cortisol levels, and reduces the blood pressure of patients with essential hypertension
Antifungal and antispasmodic: Can induce relaxation of smooth muscle and has a vasorelaxant effect
Carminative: Ability to support digestion and prevent gas
Cooling: Used as a topical antiseptic and for wound healing
Stress reduction, reduction of heart rate and blood pressure
Tissue healing and vasorelaxant
Clinical applications: Digestive discomfort, emotional health, respiratory, immunostimulant, musculoskeletal, skin, stress and hypertension
Safety Data:
Avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for up to 18 hours after applying
bergamot oil to the skin. Bergamot oil must not be applied to the skin
undiluted. Serious skin burning or damage can occur if Bergamot oil is
applied and the skin is exposed to the sun or a tanning booth. It may
be used safely (no phototoxic response) on the skin in a blend at no
more than 0.4% (approx. 1-2 drops per 1 oz/30ml of carrier). If you
are using the oil on an area of your skin that has no exposure to
the sun or UV light, there is no safety concern.
Latin Name: Citrus bergamia
Plant Part Used: Fruit Rind
Countries of Origin: Africa, Brazil, S. Italy